The question of the rights of university teachers is also my question!

 The question of the rights of university teachers is also my question!

"It is a nightmare to think of a country without teachers!" The day after the TPLF/EHADIG system planted its foot four kilos in a historical opportunity, it brought down the education system of the country by disrespecting the honorable profession of teaching and making teachers bow their heads instead of being proud of their profession in various ways.

The main example of this is that teachers are deprived of a salary commensurate with their hard work and effort, so that their morale deteriorates, they are crippled by the pressure of life, and they are exposed to other chaotic life situations that challenge their professional dignity in order to survive and earn a piece of bread. It is a fact that I have seen as a teacher that there is a situation where the word "teacher" is considered a "danger" in the society.

Of course, it is a public fact that apart from the university professors, every government employee has a hard time even eating 1 meal a day and is in dire straits.

However, the fact that the new Ministry of Prosperity and Education, who was appointed as the new Ministry of Prosperity and Education after promising to solve this pressing problem of teachers in an efficient manner, makes the situation unique.

The Ministry of Education said, "Our year-long request is about to be answered!" They said, "Don't call the university teachers who are waiting for a taxi, including money of no more than 200-700 birr for breakfast. He made fun of their hopes, and said that the "homeless economic situation and inflation" made them bear the burden of seven thousand birr with an increase of 700 birr.

Therefore, the movement of university teachers to enter into an organized peaceful struggle and the question of rights is not only theirs, but the country's question, so it should be strengthened!

All Ethiopian teachers and civil servants should line up with them!

Not without teachers, thinking about the quality of education in the country is a nightmare! The foundation stone of the schools that you are laying around is the result of the stone itself!

Give an urgent answer to the rights of the university teachers!

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