Wolaita People's Democratic Front Wohdeg Position Statement:

 Wolaita People's Democratic Front Wohdeg Position Statement: While the Wolaita People's Democratic Front (WOHDEG) is pursuing the age-old constitutional demand for self-governance of the Wolaita people in a completely peaceful and legal way, on the other hand, we have sent our complaints about the unconstitutional cluster structure to the Ethiopian Federation Office, mainly to the American Embassy, ​​the British Embassy, ​​the Ethiopian Human Rights Council and Ethiopia. Lawyers informed us. We have presented the full points of our letter of complaint as follows, stating that we will strengthen our peaceful struggle until the front, as before, asserts the people's right to self-governance.
1. As it is known, the constitutional, historical and natural origins of the people of Wolaita, the constitutional right to establish their own region, which enhances their past fair share in national and local politics, economy and social interactions, but which has not been responded to by unconstitutional measures since the transition period until today, is 370. Kebele councils, 22 district and city administration councils and the Walita zone council democratically recommended and discussed and approved by a full vote and sent to the southern region council on December 10, 2011 to organize a referendum.

2. However, considering the correction and redress of the historical, systematic and structural injustices and oppressions that have been inflicted on the people of our country by the governments that were unequivocally mentioned in the introduction of the Federal Constitution, Articles 8, 25, 39, 46 and 47 (3), for all nations and nationalities And in violation of the constitutional rights stipulated for people to be exercised equally, the equality between the people and the rule of law in the country has been set aside. When the Southern Regional Council has to prepare a referendum according to Article 47/3/ of the constitution, the question of Woliitan nation is unconstitutional and undemocratic. Wolaita Zone Council on 11/04/2012 to the Honorable Federation Council by Proclamation No. 251/93
3. It is known that the 2-year time limit set by Proclamation No. 251 Article 19(3 (3)) has passed on December 11, 2014 without giving constitutional approval since the time when the request of Wolaita Nation to be organized into a region was submitted to the honorable Federation Council.

4. On the other hand, the political militia of the southern region and the federal government, through research and the committee of the 80s, in combination with other nations and nationalities, attempted to falsify the existing structure of the southern region into four or five regions, and it failed due to the strong opposition in every area. 5. Meanwhile, on the 23rd of 2014, the public consultation and discussion held by the Wolaita Zone Council decided to send the request to the Federation Council as a cluster with the people living in 10 neighboring structures in accordance with the direction of the ruling political party. We have heard from the media.
6. However, as a political party founded on the basis of the Woliita nation, the basic constitutional question that determines the future administrative, economic and social fate of the people of Woliita will be answered without any consultation and discussion with the political parties operating in the area. We are aware of the procedural and constitutional violations in the ongoing process to answer the age-old constitutional question.

7. The Wolaita Zone Council, which is in the process of legally responding to the Federation Council's constitutional request to organize the Wolaita Nation into an autonomous region, called an emergency meeting without the consent and consent of the people and secretly gave it without the constitutional authority to organize it in a cluster without the consent of the people. Since it is a decision, we request that it be amended and made a public decision.
8. The Wolaita Zone Council representatives are 9 years old and their term of office has expired, so they do not have the authority to make a decision on the constitutional question of the organization of the autonomous region in the first instance. Realizing that the constitutional right to govern can only be implemented by popular decision, we request that it be organized.
9. The honorable Federation Council, the Wolaita Zone Council, has accepted the participation of the entire people from the Kebele to the Zone Council and submitted the constitutional request to establish its own region in accordance with Article 47 of the Federal Constitution and Decree No. 251/93, Article 19(3). 2)) According to the ruling party's representatives, the option of being organized in a cluster and the option of the Wolaita nation to establish a separate county through a popular decision is not only a constitutional procedure, but also the only legal way to prove that the people are the owners of the sovereign power. - We ask that people realize that it is constitutional and organize a referendum.
10. Respect, we want the Federation Council to understand that the Wolaita Nation, which was favored by the Federal Constitution, has been asking for its own history, identity, culture and language to develop its own history, identity, culture and language since it was organized in Region-9 during the transitional period, after it was unfairly pushed to the southern region. It is an old people.
11. For example, in the month of October 1992, in Wolaita Sodo city and neighboring districts, millions of natives of the nation, with a few political anchors, came out in the public square saying "We do not learn Wagogoda, my culture and language should be respected, we will be given a state" because they created an artificial language called "Wagagoda" in the curriculum, which crushes the identity of the people. By public protest It is a recent story that I was able to protect the language by playing a role as a fighter for the respect of the federal constitution.
12. The question of regional organization of the Wolaita nation since the founding of our country, Ethiopia, has been strongly presented as we mentioned above, especially during the era of the EPRDF, and in the construction of the state that was created following the national change, the systematic and structural oppression that the Wolaita people had been experiencing in the previous collective organization, from children to adults, has been resolved. Realizing that it is an age-old question and that the people have been raising the question in a peaceful and constitutional manner for the last 4 years of change, we request the people to decide the election by making a referendum in a constitutional manner.
13. Finally, the Honorable Federation Council, with the authority given by the Constitution and Proclamation No. 251/93, requested autonomy from the nations and peoples of our country. Our party firmly believes that it is an institution that has a constitutional mandate to respond equally and fairly to all people following the constitutional principle. So the same question We request that the people who have submitted to announce their choice in the same manner as the public decision, the constitutional process of organizing the people's decision, which was implemented in Sidama Nation and South West Regions, should also be applied to the question of Wolaita Nation.

The Wolaita people's constitutional, historical and historical right to self-governance, as stipulated in Article 9 of the country's constitution, states that any decree, custom or political pressure that contradicts the constitution will not be applicable. The people of Wolaita have been granted the power and right to self-determination by the federal constitution, and the so-called cluster is not recognized by the constitution and has no legal support, so the right of the great people of Wolaita to organize themselves in the region is protected and to ensure equal representation and benefit in the country. WOHDEG urges everyone to do their part so that rights can be resolved through a referendum.
The People's Democratic Front of Wolaita August 10/12/14 W/ Sodo Ethiopia

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