Gurage ‼️ "Gurage's question will be answered peacefully"

Gurage ‼️ "Gurage's question will be answered peacefully"

It was stated that the request of the people of Gurage zone to be organized in a region is a constitutional question that has been asked by the people for several centuries and will be answered in a peaceful way in the future.

The indigenous leaders of the Gurage zone at all levels, starting from the federal level, are being consulted on the alternative proposal to organize the zone into clusters.


It is known that the question of organizing the people of Gurage zone into a region is a constitutional question that has been asked by the people for several centuries.

It was pointed out during the discussion that the people of the zone have been demanding this age-old question in the past 4 years of change in the council and to be resolved by the prosperity party in a patient, civilized and peaceful manner.

Therefore, it was pointed out in this forum that the Prosperity Party is not at a level where it is possible to deal with new and different requests for regional organization based on the current state of the country, and that the regional organization question asked by the people of Gurage Zone should be organized in a cluster and be organized from other brother peoples in the same forum.

It was stated in the forum that this alternative proposal presented by the party has been discussed and advised by the community at all levels in the past, and many discussions and consultations have been held at all levels by collecting the feedback given by the people at all levels.

Therefore, the native leaders of the zone at all levels, from the federal level, in their discussion, the people's request for regional organization and self-governance is constitutional and the people have been asking for it in a peaceful way for centuries. They said that it should.

Therefore, regarding this matter of organization, the leadership, people, youth and other bodies at all levels are holding various discussions and the people's request to organize in the region is a constitutional question that will continue tomorrow. According to the information obtained from the Government Communications Offices.

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