Security workers who killed two people in a drain pipe were sentenced to life imprisonment!‼️

Security workers who killed two people in a drain pipe were sentenced to life imprisonment!‼️

 The individuals who murdered two individuals within five days and buried their bodies in the drainage pipe were sentenced to life imprisonment. According to the case file of the Federal Attorney General's Directorate of Miscellaneous Criminal Matters, the 1st accused, Zacharias Kodo, 2nd accused Yohannes Matalu, 3rd accused Asrat Abebe. Accused have been meeting at different times to consult and prepare to snatch Bajaj from individuals by force.

According to their arrangement, on January 27, 2013 at 02:30 in the evening, in Bole sub-district district 12 region, the special place is Bole Bulbula Mulu Gospel Local Church area.

When the deceased stopped to take them down from the bajaju, the 3rd accused choked the deceased with his elbow, the 2nd and 3rd accused together took the deceased's legs down and confirmed that she was dead.

In addition, on February 2, 2013, at 03:30 in the evening, five days after the 1st and 2nd defendants committed the first crime, the 1st defendant called the person who was said to have replaced him to sell him a generator battery as agreed, and brought him to the Full Gospel Church where the defendants were employed as security guards. And they kept it hidden.

After they hid, the 2nd defendant called the deceased a "thief, thief" and hit him on the head with the guard stick the deceased was holding, and the 1st accused died as the deceased hit him as he fell. At this time, they took the deceased's phone worth 450 birr and 3,000 birr and hid it in the pipe where they put the body of the woman we had not seen before. The defendants were arrested with the help of the police and the support of the community, and were charged with murder and aggravated robbery in violation of the Federal Criminal Law issued in 1996.

The defendants who appeared in the Federal High Court's birth category 1st homicide trial had confessed that they did not commit the act, so the prosecutor argued by presenting the personal and documentary evidence they had collected. The information we received from the Ministry of Justice indicates that they are guilty under the articles they were accused of. In the court hearing on July 25, 2014, the 1st and 2nd defendants committed multiple crimes, so they were sentenced to life imprisonment in both cases, and the 3rd defendant was given 4 reduced sentences. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison. 

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