A statement from the Amhara National Movement (ABN) General Assembly Facilitation Committee

A statement from the Amhara National Movement (ABN) General Assembly Facilitation Committee

Since the establishment of the Amhara National Movement (ABN), our organization has not only created major public and social movements, but has also become a positive force for our people to look forward to tomorrow; The political participation of the Amhara people, especially the youth, has improved better than ever before. It is a party that has been able to save the country and the people with its political positions at different times.

However, in order to overcome the challenges that our organization is currently facing, the Central Committee has made a thorough assessment of the problems, to create a strong organization with unity of ideas and actions, and to help build the capacity to wage a progressive political struggle that suits the time and political situation. He is running errands. The committee fulfilled its assigned responsibilities in a proper manner and completed its work, and we are stating that we will hold the conference in a short time as soon as the financial and logistical limitations faced by our company are fixed.

All members of our organization.

Understanding that the fundamental questions of the Amhara people and the problems of our country require a prolonged and intensive struggle and that the issues can be resolved by bringing them to the stage, strengthening the Amhara political power should be done as a basic focus. Realizing that we are in a historical period where we are fighting for the justice and equality of our people in the spirit of solidarity, we urge you to maintain your usual organizational unity.

To the leaders of our company at different levels:

Regarding the preparation of the General Assembly, realizing that the central committee has given the power to the facilitation committee, who watched the assembly including the social media and lost the public support and trust that the Father has gained by playing a mature and constructive role in Ethiopian politics in a short time; If you are given the responsibility to continue being the voice of our people and an appropriate political force, please refrain from activities that put our members and supporters under unnecessary pressure and lose confidence. As much as possible, we urge you to play a positive role for the unity and political survival of our people, for which we love and are ready to make sacrifices.

To our fans and the entire Amhara people:

Although there has not been a fundamental change in the complex and extensive problems of our people, we are expressing that you have played a significant role in our important positions and struggles.


Amhara National Movement (ABN) General Assembly Facilitation Committee

Addis Ababa, Showa, Ethiopia

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