It was announced that the response to the request to be structured as a region of Gurage zone is pending

It was announced that the response to the request to be structured as a region of Gurage zone is pending

Ato Fqadu Zeleke, the head of the communication and media group of the zone, said that the Gurage zone, which is located in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples region, is awaiting a response to his request to be set up as an independent region.

 It will be recalled that the Prosperity Party, which leads the southern region, has prepared a document to make a final decision on the question of regionalism, which is frequently and regularly raised in the region, and is discussing it at every level.


Following this, last week several zones and special districts approved the proposal to organize with others in a newly formed region. Among those who have passed the decision to embrace the newly organized region are Wolayta, South Omo, Gofa, Konso and Gamo zones as well as Amaro, Ale, Burji, Basketo and Derashe special districts in one cluster.

Silete, Hadia, Halaba, Kembata Tmbaro Zones and M Special District passed the same decision in their councils to join another new region. While these zones and special districts have passed the decision to be embraced as a region in their respective categories, the Gurage zone in the same region has not yet passed the decision.


Speaking to Bisrat FM on the matter, the head of the zone's communication and media group, Ato Faqadu Zelek, stated that "the demand of the people is to be structured as a region". The leader said that we have submitted this to the Federation Council. They indicated that they are waiting for the response. Ato Fqadu added that the zonal council has not discussed the new organization yet.


In connection with this, the leader pointed out that information is being circulated on social networking platforms as to whether the zone has approved the new cluster structure or not; He said that the information is false and it is done to put pressure on the leaders of the zone.

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