The Mother Party stated that the harassment on the roads from different areas of the Amhara region to Addis Ababa is getting worse from time to time!

The Mother Party stated that the harassment on the roads from different areas of the Amhara region to Addis Ababa is getting worse from time to time!

Passengers who were traveling to Addis Ababa from different areas and who were victims of the problem said that the harassment of the Amhara people, who were denied the constitutional right to move from place to place and were prevented from entering Addis Ababa city, is getting worse from time to time. After crossing the North Showa zone from different areas of the Amhara region and entering the Oromia region, the travelers are repeatedly asked for identification, and they are questioned for a long time. Eventually they will be forced back to where they came from. The travelers said that the situation from Sheno is serious and especially from Aletu to Gedera, the abuse is worse.

The reason why the passengers are not allowed to enter Addis Ababa is because they do not have Addis Ababa ID. Most of them are returning to the area they came from. Mothers with children and those who came from long distances are being abused because they cannot return due to lack of money. In addition to the passengers, trucks will also be shown ID and will be asked to pass money from the security forces and those who do not pay will not be allowed to pass.


As long as the travelers are not suspected of crime, they have the constitutional right to move freely from place to place, but they are being treated unfairly because they do not have an Addis Ababa ID card and can enter Addis Ababa until they look like citizens of another country. We say that this movement should be corrected from the start as it can be considered as a sign that the massacre based on identity has changed.

May the creator of our country protect Ethiopia and its people

Mother's party

July 28, 2014

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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