A statement from the Amhara Union in Munich/Bavaria/Germany

 A statement from the Amhara Union in Munich/Bavaria/Germany


Saving Amhara's existence is saving Ethiopia's sovereignty!

The Amhara people, who paid a price for the country's existence, lived in disarray with other peoples, suffered from the attacks of other peoples, are the owners of great values, today a horrible genocide has been committed, the crime is not prosecuted by the law, the death is not recognized, they cannot express their grief and death, and even the politicians who claim to represent them are mocking and humiliating them. The time has come. "Politicians who consider killings and massacres supported by the government structure as a gambling game, when you tell them to live as citizens, Ethiopia was built by ethnic groups, they say that you are saying that to violate the rights of ethnic groups. But when you die, when you say that Amhara was killed, they laugh at you saying that the citizens died.  "In this way, since the Amhara are being deprived of social peace and exposed to severe poverty, in order to reverse the danger of our existence as a society, to stop the horrible racial discrimination, genocide, ethnic cleansing, crimes and identity-based violations, to the international community. In order to be a voice by informing, to be a tongue for our people who are in danger, to help the victims who have survived and to help the struggle for survival, and to help by coordinating with other similar Amhara associations, we Ethiopian Amharas who live in Munich and the surrounding area (Bavaria - Germany), will form this Amhara Union today, Saturday, July 30, 2022 ( We have established In this founding meeting, the founding members discussed the current situation of our country in detail and conveyed the following position statement.

1st. For the government to take responsibility for the genocide and cleansing of the Amhara, which has been perpetrated against the Amhara people throughout Ethiopia for more than 30 years, and apologize to the people of Ethiopia by calling the crime by its name. We demand that the executor and executors of the massacre be investigated by an independent investigation committee and brought to justice. A National Day of Mourning has been declared for the people throughout Ethiopia to publicly express their grief, to fly the national flag low and in the presence of elders, religious leaders, media experts, and human rights institutions in the places where the crime was committed, the remains of the fallen beasts should be collected and buried in honor and the mass graves should be identified and recognized. We ask for a monument to be erected for them.

2nd. We have noticed that the international community, which has turned its back on the Amhara for a long time, is concerned about the suffering of the Amhara and has started asking for an independent body to investigate the race. Although we appreciate the delay in the beginning, since the work on the ground has not started, we ask the United Nations to pay special attention to the issue and make tireless efforts to stop the genocide before it expands.

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